Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Deadpool" fans meet ahead of the field becomes

US local time on Monday, "Deadpool" film side Twentieth Century Fox in New York and Los Angeles held the two fans meeting activities. Commitment to let the audience see some activity, "Deadpool" first exposure picture, but did not tell you is that these images into a piece of the original 106 minutes - the "Deadpool" for the fans to send these gift is absolutely sincere.

Because the fan meeting were held in two places, movie creator also diverge attended the event. "Deadpool" starring Ryan Reynolds appeared in the New York market, "Deadpool" comics creator Rob Liefeld, Father Stan Lee, director Tim Miller, starring T · J · Miller, screenwriter Elliot Rees Paul Wernick and Brie Anna Hildebrand is attended screenings in Los Angeles. They were at the scene for the film some reports, but did not conduct question and answer session.

Fans had only to see the mentality of holding the "Deadpool" New clip participate will be met, and eventually saw into pieces and creative, this sudden surprise and also let them happy. After pushing the Principal social media, fans have seen the film have started Amway crazy movie, change the water in seconds. Also worth mentioning is that Ryan Reynolds's wife Bu Leike Lively also in his capacity as fans participated in the "Deadpool" screening activities. She also own a large share Ins in a group photo with the audience Reynolds and red arrows indicate their position (but still see). After watching the film she also said that "the best movie ever. No joke."
louboutin soldes

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